Mastering Green Reading: 7 Simple Tips

Mastering Green Reading: 7 Simple Tips

1. Observe the Green from Afar
Begin reading the green while you're still approaching it. Notice its appearance from a distance, identifying the highest and lowest points. This helps set your mind up for visualizing the putt.

2. Walk the Putt
Walk along the desired putt path to feel the green's undulations and measure the distance. This enables you to understand how much power you need for your putt.

3. Visualize Water Flow
Imagine filling up the cup with water, overflowing onto the green. Trace where this water flows to understand the slope.

4. Identify a Midpoint
During your read, find a midpoint in your putt's path to aim for, remembering that every putt is essentially straight.

5. Analyze the Grain
Examine changes in grass color to determine grain direction. Lighter grass indicates down-grain, while darker means up-grain, affecting speed and power needed for your putt.

6. Observe Other Players
Learn from watching how others' putts roll on the green, as it provides a real-time example of how your ball will roll too.

7. Divide Long Putts
For putts over 10 paces, break it into two or three sections to make green reading easier and more manageable.
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